Read and share great quotes with Notable Quotes 

 Read and share great quotes with Notable Quotes 

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Configurable Options +
Backup and Restore

Customize the look, configure sharing options, and remotely back up and restore your custom quotes and favorite quotes.

Custom Quotes

Add your personally-authored quotes or found quotes that inspire you. Custom quotes become permanent additions to your collection.


Share a bit of humor or inspiration with a friend. In-app sharing makes it easy to send a quote to someone via emailing or texting, posting a quote as your Facebook or Twitter status, and more.

Quality Quotes

Notable Quotes offers a wide selection of quotes to choose from, categorized by subject. We have carefully curated the collection to ensure you have an enriching experience.

Today’s Notable Quote

Add the Notable Quotes widget to your device’s Today screen to display a new and interesting quote every day, or see it on your Apple Watch with the Watch app.

Attractive Backgrounds

Attractive backgrounds featuring nature landscapes enhance a quote’s meaning. Or, for a simpler look, choose from a selection of solid-colored backgrounds.

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"So many wonderful quotes, with beautiful backgrounds as well. Well done!"

"Reading a few quotes using this app is always a pleasure!"

"I love this app! It's fun, thought provoking and well designed. I definitely suggest it!"

"My favorite app! I'm so glad I found it! I love posting my favorite quotes on Facebook & this app makes that as simple as can be!! Great app!"